Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guest List

The guest list has really been one of the easiest steps so far. When thinking about who we wanted to be at our wedding, it was no problem rattling off the people that we wanted to attend. We just whipped out microsoft excel, typed away, and plugged in names.

What we realized is that 90% of the people that will be attending our wedding will be from out of town.
We live in Northern Virginia... my immediate family is in Maryland... extended family is in New Jersey and Pennsylvania... and my friends are scattered all across the country. My Fiance grew up on the west coast and all his family and friends live near Seattle, WA. How will these large travel distances will effect our RSVPs? We have no idea. I guess we'll find out in April when invites go out! All in all we have 150 people on our list... we are thinking about 100 people would probably RSVP yes. We have a handful of names on a "B" list as well in case we get a low response and have room to fit other people.

Our next step was to fill in our excel sheet with everyone's addresses. Even though we were not planning on sending anything out for months... we just wanted to get all this research out of the way while we were putting together "the list". My Fiance got kind of annoyed that I kept badgering him for names and addresses so early in the game... but why not get it taken care of while we're on the guest list subject... right?! My Fiance's brother is getting married 10 months before us, so it was really kind of easy for him to just to copy his side of the list from his bro's list.

So now that we have an idea of the amount of people that we will have at the wedding we can now think about where we will host everyone!

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