Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday Shopping

Well we really didn't partake in any of the pre-dawn shopping craziness this year (last year we went to Old Navy at 3am for some reason).  This year we just drove by solely to observe the Loonies.  
Here is a pic that we took on our way home from Thanksgiving dinner... it's of the folks camping out at our local Best Buy:
.  There were like 40 tents set up... and the store wasn't opening for another 7 hours!
We did end up venturing out in the afternoon on a hunt for a Christmas Tree sale.  We found an awesome 7 1/2 ft tree that was an amazing deal though!  Score!  We put it up that evening and it looks great!

We're really stoked about our Cyber Monday deal we got for our Bridal Party gifts!  I can't post that on here in case any of the girls are checking this out... but it's such a cool gift and we're happy we were able to find it at an affordable price!  We're happy to be able to check that task off our list... but even more excited to give the gifts to our bridemaids and groomsmen!

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