Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guest Book

Just browsing around some sites and thought these were cute ideas for guest books. 

When I think of traditional guest books, I wonder what people do with them after the wedding is over? At most of the weddings I've been to, it seems like the guests just sign there name rather than write a message.  I personally don't want 2 pages of a book filled with signatures... but do want to have some kind of memory/record of all those people that traveled near and far to come celebrate the wedding day.  In comes Guest Book Trees.  I think it's a creative and unique approach to the guest book and something that I would love to hang up on my wall afterwards.

Fingerprint Tree. 
Folks would place their fingerprint along the branches and sign their name underneath.  With about 100 fingerprints it would look like a full spring/summer tree.  Of course there would have to be wet naps for people to clean their fingertip afterwards.

Custom Fingerprint Family Tree Guestbook Alternative With Birds in your Wedding Colors 16x20

The Weeping Guest Book Tree  (75-150 people )
  Leaf Tree.
This is another example that would not have to deal with ink pads.  In this case people would put their name inside the leaf:
The Westfield Guest Book Tree Large 18 X 24  (125-225 people)

Just brainstorming... 

1 comment:

  1. You are so reading your blog!
