Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time to get our workout on!

With 5 1/2 months left to the wedding, we figured we better get a move on to look our best!  We joined a gym last week and we've been going every day since.  I personally currently weigh the most I ever have in my life, so I want to trickle down to a healthier weight.  Scott is tired of being out of breath and wants to be more active and drop some pounds as well.

Right now we usually head to the gym after dinner (and on the weekends it's around lunch time).  Scott hits the free weights and I hit the weight machines for strength buildings.  I'm hoping to tone up my arms so they aren't so jiggly!   After our weight lifting stuff I head over and do a hour worth of stuff on the cardio machines (treadmill, elliptical, and bike for 20 min each).  Scott heads over to the basketball court and plays a few games with other members.

We're also taking a closer look at our portioning and eating habits.  So far we've made it a goal not to eat past 7pm and have cut our dinner portions in half of what they use to be.  Our trips to the grocery store have been a change too as we're packing our basket with more healthier options too.

Here's hoping our weight drops over these next few months with these efforts!

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